quotation of the day
“We must picture Hell as a state where everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone lives the deadly serious passions of...
View Articleeveryday violence
via There are no words to rightly honor the martyrs of Charleston. Their witness is beyond articulation, and our witness of their faith may be expressed only in gap-mouthed prayer. This violence is...
View Articlewhat to say about the Charleston martyrs
artwork via three sermons that are worth chewing on this week: “That your Gospel is more powerful than our hate, more powerful than our despair, more powerful than our pride, and more powerful than...
View ArticleFriday Icon: LYNCHING
At The Whitney a week ago today, I caught one of the last days of their inaugural exhibit in their new space, “America Is Hard To See.” Above, a piece in their collection by artist Julius Bloch. More...
View Article“So, is it over now?”
Over the summer, my husband and I trekked back to our homeland–the upper Midwest. It was right on the heels of the flag removal in our downtown, and so after covering the weather (requisite subject...
View ArticleWill Good Really Win?
It’s been a hard week to have the tv on, or listen to the radio, or even to read the morning paper. Each day has carried fresh horror and violence, from religious extremism to the effects of mental...
View ArticlePentecost
preached at St. Augustine’s Oak Cliff, May 31, 2020. First in-person service since March 8; outside Acts 2:1-21 John 20:19-23 “All together in one place” — but we’re not all together. George Floyd...
View Article“And people from the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem...
Can you imagine being eager to repent of your sins? Are you one who would have rushed into the wilderness, hopped in your car and high-tailed it to Cameron Parish, if you’d heard that some prophet had...
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